September 17th, 2006
Steve picked me up and we went down to Hamilton West for a few hours, catching CN #385, NS #328, CN #331, #390, CN #392, VIA #73, CN #148, VIA #72, CN #394, and CP Barnes Turn.
Bayview Junction, Ontario
(map) This is where the CN Oakville, CN Grimsby, and CN Dundas subdivisions meet at a great big wye, beside which is the CP Hamilton sub. This location encompasses CN Bayview Junction, Hamilton West, and Hamilton Junction.
CN #385 starts up Copetown grade.
NS #328 heads down the cowpath with an SD70M-2 on point.
CN #390 comes off Copetown grade with a BN-green unit leading.
CN #392 comes down the hill with 3 CN units.
CN #148 comes off the Dundas sub.